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The Full Story
More than 800 students have graduated from West Memphis Christian since its first graduating class in 1978. WMCS alumni are located across the globe working and serving in many different fields. Whatever their location or occupation, our hope is that our alumni have fond memories of their time as students at WMCS. Whether it be learning at the feet of dedicated teachers or giving their best as part of an athletic team, the Christian environment at WMCS continues to play a key role in the formation of each young person who wore the name of WMCS Black Knight. Today, the mantra of teaching a child in "mind, body and spirit” continues, even as many of our students are now children of alumni.
We want to keep our alumni informed about alumni events such as Homecoming and reunions where you can reconnect with classmates and your alma mater. To be part of our network, make sure that we have your most up-to-date contact information by filling out the form below.
Once a Black Knight....Always a Black Knight
We care about our Alumni, so please fill out the form below so we can keep in touch with you.